Need help understanding your insurance coverage if you live in Maryland or Virginia)? Most coverages you need are automatically provided by your policy. But, there are some coverages which are optional or are specifically limited or excluded because not everyone needs them.
Following are some items for which we can provide coverage – should you need it. Understanding your insurance and having your coverages tailored to your particular need can be just as important as the price!!
Emergency Road Service “Mini Tort” Liability
Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist
Camper, Topper, Utility Trailer, Customized Van
Business use of your car or Company Car provided for your regular use Personal I njury Protection – Work Loss Benefits (there is a maximum) “Winter Storage”
Customized/ Additional accessories
Transport Students, Patients, Car Poolers, etc. Rental Car (if yours is damaged in an accident)
Limited Collision
Standard Collision
Broad Form Collision
Home Replacement Guarantee
Flood (water problems)/Earthquake
Owned-Seasonal or Rental Properties (Rental of part of your own home)
Business Pursuits Liability (Clergy, Teachers, Babysitting, Salespeople, etc.)
Office Occupancy
Professional Liability
Private School or Studio Occupancy Swimming Pool
Personal I njury Liability (Libel, Slander, Wrongful Eviction, False Arrest)
Additional Outbuildings (Fences, Sheds, Barns, Etc.)
Credit Card Liability
Mortagage Protection
Inventory of Personal Belongings Farmin~ oper-atlon (on premises or off)
Farming Operation
Unit Owners additions and alterations Unit Owners Rental to others
Unit Owners appurtentant structures Unit Owners Loss Assessment
Replacement Cost on Contents
Photography Equipment
Contact Lens – Low Vision Aid Coin/Stamp/Gun/China/ Antique (any) collections Jewelry or Furs
Cash (over $100)
Silver, Gold, Pewter Ware Golfers Equipment/Golf Cart
Musical Instruments (professional or non-professional)
Sales Samples (Tupperware, Avon, Amway, etc.)
Mechanical Tools (personal and professional)
Sporting Equipment
Valuable Papers (including Deeds, Titles, Manuscripts, etc.) Personal Computer
Anything you may use to generate income
Personal Property away from home (students at college, vacationing)
Motorcycle Physical Damage
Motorcycle Liability
Motorcycle Guest/Passenger Liability
Watercraft – Physical Damage
Watercraft – Liability
Snowmobile – Physical Damage Snowmobile – Liability
Antique Automobiles
Classic Cars
Minibikes, Mopeds, Motor Scooters Aircraft
All Terrain Vehicles Travel Trailers Camper Trailers
Umbrella Liability Coverage ($1,000,000 limit)
Medical Insurance (Hospitalization and Major Medical)
Disability Income Protection (short term or long term)
Life Insurance (Family Plans, Mortgage Life)
Domestic Employee Liability (housekeeper, babysitter, gardner, etc.)
Directors or Officers Liability
Should you have any of the exposures on this partlal list or any other exposures that concern you, please call us so we can discuss proper coverage for you and your family.